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Microsoft Resource Kits - Windows 2000 Resource Kit

Top.exe  (Windows 2000 Resource Kit)

The Windows 2000 Resource Kits help IT professionals deploy, manage, and support Windows 2000 operating systems.
There are a number of Windows 2000 Resource Kit software tools available for free download from Microsoft. These tools are listed below, and can help you streamline administrative tasks such as managing Active Directory™, administering security features, working with Group Policy and Terminal Services, automating application deployment, and other important jobs.

Top.exe - Time-Ordered Processes
Time-Ordered Processes (TOP) is a performance monitor that lists processes according to their CPU usage. It lists information for each process that received a time slice during an interval. Top is useful in discovering which processes are using the most processor time. It displays a continuously updated table of all processes running on the system in descending order of their percentage of processor time.